The ASFA Conference is over for another year and it has been great to see the increased emphasis on retirement solutions this year. Did you visit us in the Super Expo?
It has been great to see the increased emphasis on retirement solutions at this year’s ASFA Conference.
The Leadership Symposium on Tuesday focused on overseas experiences and what we can learn as an industry. There was much discussion on how we can innovate our offerings to develop sustainable lifetime retirement income solutions for Australian retirees. A key message that really resonated is that we have to understand what our members want and need in retirement – and then deliver that.
ASFA sessions over the last two days have been jam packed with inspiring speakers focusing on what we need to be doing as an industry, how we can use and make the most of big data, and what member engagement and trust really means. Keynotes also looked at what we can learn from overseas, and what they can learn from us.
Dr Martin Fahy, CEO of ASFA, made his annual address highlighting many of the good things we have done as an industry and the strength of our retirement system. He encouraged us all to move beyond the challenges of the last year and reminded us that we need to keep focused on achieving good results for our members.
It was the first time Optimum Pensions attended the ASFA Conference as an exhibitor and it was fantastic to have so many visitors to the booth who were interested in our retirement income solution, the Real Lifetime Pension.
We came prepared with a great discussion paper on the perils of underestimating longevity – if you don’t have a copy – Download it now.