With retirement income stepping into the government spotlight and superannuation funds now sitting up and taking more notice of the importance of their members’ decumulation phase, Plan for Life Actuaries and Researchers, chose the perfect time to introduce their Inaugural Longevity Cover Awards to highlight the importance of Longevity Cover and raise awareness of the current range of products available.
The Longevity Awards, presented as part of the Life Insurance Health & Wellness Awards 2019, held on Thursday 17th October 2019 at the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art gathered Australian pension product leaders to acknowledge their work in developing products to assist retirees in meeting the challenges of longevity.
Rael Solomon, Regional Managing Director said, “The new Longevity Cover Awards show that there are different and innovative ways in which product providers are responding to both pre-retirement and retirement needs. We hope that the Awards put the important issue of meeting longevity risk well and truly on the map for advisers and consumers.”
The Optimum Pensions Real Lifetime Pension was recognised as the leading Longevity Product – Investment Linked and a proud finalist in the Tools and Calculators and the Overall longevity Provider of the Year awards.
David Orford, Managing Director of Optimum Pensions was present to receive the award and commended Plan for Life for developing the new category of awards, and the detailed analysis that had gone into assessing the various products.
David is passionate about helping Australians lead a comfortable retirement – no matter how long they live – and hopes that these awards will help elevate awareness about lifetime income solutions complementing traditional retirement income products to manage longevity risk.
The Optimum Pensions Real Lifetime Pension is underwritten by partnering reinsurer Hannover Life Re, to offer a superior longevity product. We thank our partner, who were also present at the awards event.